Creality Falcon Pro 10W, laser engraver test

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Laser engraving is a fascinating technology that can personalize and transform a multitude of materials with incredible precision. Among the machines available on the market, the Creality Falcon Pro 10W stands out for its promising performance, versatility and ease of use. In this article, I share my detailed experience with this machine, from unpacking to the first engraving tests, including the adjustments needed to achieve optimal results on various materials.

Buy Creality Falcon Pro 10W

Creality Falcon Pro 10W (official website)

Technical data of the Creality Falcon Pro 10W engraver

  • Laser power: 10W
  • Focal point size: 0.06 mm (6-in-1 lens compression)
  • Compatible materials: wood, acrylic, leather, stainless steel, tiles, etc.
  • Air-assist system: integrated, for clean engraving and cutting
  • Offline operation: file import via TF card
  • Compatible software: LightBurn
  • Structure: sturdy aluminum frame
  • Work area dimensions: 400x400mm

The Creality Falcon Pro 10W is a high-end laser engraver designed for versatile use. Featuring a 10-watt laser, it is capable of engraving and cutting a wide variety of materials, from wood to acrylic, leather and even stainless steel (engraving only).

The machine features a focusing system with a 6-in-1 compression lens, reducing the focal point to just 0.06 mm. This feature ensures extremely fine engravings, with a precision that delivers remarkable detail.

Other notable features include an integrated air-assist system, which keeps the engraving surface clean and optimizes cut quality by reducing smoke residue. The engraver can operate autonomously by importing files via SD card, offering greater flexibility and disconnected operation from your computer.

Creality, well known in the 3D printing field, seems intent on developing its range of laser engravers, and has created a website dedicated to this new type of machine.

Unpacking and assembling the machine

The Creality Falcon Pro 10W arrives well protected, with every component carefully packed to prevent damage during transport. Assembly is quick and easy, even for those with little experience in assembling this type of equipment. The instructions provided are clear and concise, making assembly accessible to all. The machine itself is built from sturdy materials, mainly aluminum, giving it excellent stability during use.

Assembly takes around 30min, with well-thought-out components that fit together easily. Once assembled, the machine looks solid and professional, ready for immediate use. This first contact with the Falcon Pro 10W is very positive, giving a good impression of the product’s quality and reliability.

First test engraving

For my first engraving, I used one of the templates supplied on the SD card, an ideal approach for getting to grips with the machine without having to plunge immediately into configuring complex files.

This first test gave me a good idea of the machine’s capabilities, and enabled me to appreciate how easy it is to use the Falcon Pro 10W. I therefore used the “Offline” mode of the engraver, using only the SD card. A first click on the start button launched a simulation of the engraving zone, in order to correctly place our wooden board, and a second click launched the engraving. After around 5 minutes, the first engraving with contour cutting is complete! The result is really very clean.

LightBurn configuration for the Creality Falcon Pro 10W laser

Configuring LightBurn, a popular laser engraving software, is a crucial step in getting the most out of the Falcon Pro 10W. Although LightBurn ‘s interface may seem intimidating at first, it offers flexibility and precision that more than justify the initial learning curve. The software allows you to set laser power, travel speed and other essential parameters to adapt each engraving to the specifics of the material used.

To configure LightBurn, I had to select the right machine profile, enter the dimensions of the work area, and adjust the engraving parameters to match the technical specifications of the Falcon Pro 10W.

First engravings with the Creality Falcon Pro 10W laser

After setting up LightBurn, I began my first personalized engravings on wood. First of all, a wooden key ring, which turned out rather cleanly for a first attempt.

For my second test, I kept the same settings, but made a larger cut, a wooden fir tree. The result is a little less clean, with a few burned areas, so I’ll have to try adjusting the cutting parameters.

Adjusting settings

A very interesting feature of LightBurn is the ability to engrave a material test grid, in order to test different speeds/powers and find the optimum settings. This test is essential to determine the best combination of laser power and speed for each material.

Thanks to this test, I was able to identify the optimum settings, which enabled me to significantly improve the quality of engraving and cutting. It’s a step I highly recommend to all users to fully understand how to get the most out of their machine.

For example, I can determine that at a speed of 200mm/min I can cut my 3mm polywood board by setting the laser power to 70%, in a single pass. By increasing the speed from 2000 to 6000mm/min I can get different shades of “clean” engraving around 4400mm/min at 70-80% power.

Engravings after adjustments

After adjusting the parameters according to the results of the previous test, the following engravings showed a noticeable improvement in terms of precision and quality. I was able to make more complex engravings with even finer detail, and the cuts were even sharper (with no burn marks).

Cutting a box

To test the cutting capacity of the Falcon Pro 10W, I made a box out of 3 mm plywood. To make this custom box, I used the MakerCase website, a handy free service that lets you create a vector format file to import directly into LightBurn.


The engraver cut each piece with remarkable precision, without leaving excessive burn marks on the edges. The air-assist system played a crucial role in keeping the cuts clean, ensuring that the lines were crisp and ready for assembly. I then used wood glue and that was it… The result is really very clean.

Other test engravings on other supports (painted tiles, and metal card)

To explore the versatility of the Falcon Pro 10W, I tested engraving on less conventional supports such as painted tiles and a metal business card. Engraving on tiles was a success, with the laser removing the paint precisely to reveal the engraved motif. I used inexpensive paint available from Action. On the business card, the engraving is also clean, in a single pass, and you can find this type of business card on Amazon in packs of 100 or 250 cards. You’ll need to center the card well, though… Not the easiest thing to do! But the result is very satisfying.

Cutting a turtle in several layers

One of the most complex projects I’ve done with the Falcon Pro 10W is to cut a turtle into several layers of plywood. There are lots of free and paid files of this type on the web, and I thought this model was really cool.

The file used is basically designed to cut each part (5 pieces) on a single board, so I had to separate the layers into separate layers to cut them 1 by 1. I started with a size of 20cm long. The engraver handled this task brilliantly, each layer being cut with a precision that made for easy assembly and an impressive final result.

To ensure that the cut could be made in a single pass, I reduced the speed to 150mm/min instead of 200mm/min, at 100% power.

Here’s the cut of 2 layers, there were 5 in total…

And the final result, assembled with glue! For a better result, I could have painted each part… but for this first test, I’ve kept this model raw, the result is really very clean! The next step will be to make a 40cm model, to hang on a wall for example.

Conclusion and opinion on this machine

After several months of use, I’m convinced that the Creality Falcon Pro 10W is an excellent choice for laser engraving enthusiasts and professionals looking for a powerful, versatile machine. Its strengths include high precision, ease of use, and the ability to work on a wide range of materials.

Once you’ve found the right settings, the cuts are really very clean. It’s a tool I’d recommend without hesitation to anyone looking to explore the possibilities offered by laser engraving.

Buy Creality Falcon Pro 10W

Creality Falcon Pro 10W (official website)


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