Sovol unveils its new SV07 3D Printer: Pre-orders from May 13

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The world of 3D printing is constantly evolving, and Sovol, renowned for the quality of its 3D printers, is no exception. Having made its mark with its previous models, the brand is back with a promising new device: the Sovol SV07. With this machine, Sovol seems determined to make a name for itself in the world of 3D printing.

Pre-orders and attractive prices

It’s official: the Sovol SV07 will be available for pre-order from May 13. For the impatient, Sovol is proposing a limited offer: the first 300 orders will benefit from a preferential rate of $299. After this quota, the rate will rise to $339 for subsequent pre-orders.

SV07 features

The Sovol SV07 isn’t just another 3D printer on the market. It boasts high-end features and impressive functionality that put it in a class of its own.

Indeed, the SV07 is equipped with a color touch screen that makes navigation easier and the user experience more pleasant. But this machine’s major innovation lies in the integration of the Klipper system. This enables ultra-fast printing. To give an idea of the machine’s performance, a benchy can be printed in less than 24 minutes, a feat in 3D printing.

Enhanced connectivity

The Sovol SV07 also stands out for its WiFi connection system. This feature provides greater ease of access and flexibility, enabling you to launch and monitor your prints remotely.

Notable additional features

The Sovol SV07 doesn’t stop there, offering a host of other interesting features:

  • 32-bit silent motherboard for discreet printing
  • A self-leveling sensor to guarantee a perfect first layer every time
  • Flexible PEI tray for easy print removal
  • Dual Z-axis motors for greater stability and precision
  • End-of-filament sensor to avoid unexpected print interruptions
  • Meanwell power supply for enhanced energy efficiency and reliability
  • Direct drive extruder for greater extrusion precision
  • A full-metal hotend capable of reaching temperatures of up to 300°C for printing demanding materials

In conclusion

Sovol takes a giant step forward with the release of the SV07. This machine, combining high-end features and affordable pricing, seems to promise an optimized 3D printing experience. If you’re a 3D printing enthusiast looking for a high-performance, innovative machine, keep an eye out for the Sovol SV07 launch on May 13.


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